T.E.D Covidien Stockings Knee Size F


T.E.D Covidien Stockings apply the clinically-proven graduated pressure pattern of 18mmHg at the ankle, 14mmHg at the calf and 8mmHg at the popliteal...


T.E.D Covidien Stockings apply the clinically-proven graduated pressure pattern of 18mmHg at the ankle, 14mmHg at the calf and 8mmHg at the poplitealIt is important to measure the patient’s leg size to assure that the appropriate pressure pattern is applied.

T.E.D Covidien Stockings are clinically proven to reduce the incidence of DVT up to 50% and to promote increased blood flow velocity in the legs 138% of baseline by compression of the deep venous system. They have also been clinically proven to prevent the damaging effects of venous distension that occurs during surgery and hospitalization.

Not all anti-embolism stockings have been clinically shown to provide the same protection as T.E.D Convidien Stockings, which are recognizable by the T.E.D. logo clearly visible on the foot.

The T.E.D Covidien Stockings Size F fit calf size 15 17.5″ (38 44.5cm), and the length is ≥18″ (46cm). These are knee length stockings.


Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT for short) is the name given to blood clots that can form in the veins of your leg following surgery or long periods of bed rest in the hospital, among other reasons. If the clot becomes loose, it can break away and travel through the veins to the heart and lungs and may block a major blood vessel. This is known as a Pulmonary Embolism or PE. Pulmonary Embolism is a serious condition which in some cases may be fatal.

There are three major factors that may cause a DVT to form:

  1. When you lie or sit in the same place for a long period of time, the speed that blood flows through the legs becomes slower. If blood flows slower, it may cause it to clot.
  2. Inactivity, the effects of certain drugs, muscle relaxants or anaesthetics can cause the veins to become wider and tear. Blood clots are more likely to adhere to the tears in the wall of the vein.
  3. Changes can occur in the way your blood clots. Certain medications and inactivity may change your blood’s normal coagulation process, leading to blood clots. DVT is recognized as a major health risk in hospitals around the world, so you may be required to wear high quality, clinically-proven T.E.D Convidien Stockings to help prevent this from happening.

The T.E.D Covidien Stockings helps prevent formation of Deep Vein Thrombosis, and promotes increased blood flow velocity in the legs by compression of the deep venous system.

The T.E.D Covidien Stockings also helps reduce the threat of blood clots forming in your legs. Blood clots can form in anyone, but the threat of their formation is much greater during a hospital stay. T.E.D. anti-embolism stockings improve blood circulation in the leg veins by applying graduated compression.


Insert your hand into the stocking as far as the heel pocket.

Grasp the centre of the heel pocket and turn the stocking inside out to the heel area.

Carefully position the stocking over your foot and heel. Be sure that the heel is cantered in the heel pocket.

Pull the stocking up and lift it around the ankle and calf, working up to the final position (the top of the stocking is positioned approximately one to two inches below the bottom of knee cap). Make sure that the heel and toe are positioned correctly. Smooth out any excess material between the top of stocking and the ankle. Pull the toe section forward to smooth the ankle and instep area and allow for toe comfort.