Rossmax Nebulizer Chamber and Mouthpiece


The Rossmax Nebulizer Chamber and Mouthpiece is used to replace the nebulizer accessories for the Rossmax NB80 Home Nebulizer. The chamber and mouthpiece have VA technology, which allows users to adjust different levels of nebulization rate…



The Rossmax Nebulizer Chamber and Mouthpiece is used to replace the nebulizer accessories for the Rossmax NB80 Home Nebulizer. The chamber and mouthpiece have VA technology, which allows users to adjust different levels of nebulization rate ranging from 0.08 – 0.4 ml/min at consistent particle size.
MMAD ≤ 3.0 μm.



The Rossmax Nebulizer Chamber and Mouthpiece is intended for use to replace the nebulizer accessories for the Rossmax NB80 Home Nebulizer.



How to use:

• Clean the Rossmax chamber and mouthpiece before use
• Gently twist and pull the lid of the nebulizer straight up and separate into two parts (medication cup and cover)
• Make sure that the nozzle is properly installed
• Add the prescribed amount of medication to the medication cup
• Reassemble the nebulizer by carefully twisting the medication cup and cover together. Make sure that the two parts fit securely
• Carefully attach the end of the air tubing connector to the stem at the base of the nebulizer kit
• Attach the angled mouthpiece or mask to the nebulizer
• The nebulizer is operable at up to a 45˚ angle. If the angle is greater than 45˚, no aerosol will be generated
• The capacity of the medication cup is 5ml
• Always dispose of any remaining medication in the medication cup after each use. Use fresh medication each time you use your nebulizer kit

Cleaning procedures:
• Please consult a medical professional prior to clean for using commercial disinfectants and appropriate cleaning methods
• Gently twist and pull up the cover of the chamber to open and separate.
• Rinse the chamber and mouthpiece with hot tap water
• Dry with clean towels or completely air dry
• Reassemble the nebulizer kit

Disinfecting the Rossmax Nebulizer Accessories:
• The Rossmax Nebulizer Chamber and Mouthpiece may be boiled between 15 and 20 minutes after regular cleaning procedures.
• After boiling, carefully remove the parts and leave them air dry in a well ventilated environment.