The Easifix Conforming Bandage is a soft, lightweight and porous bandage that provides excellent conformability and secure fixation of wound dressings. It is carefully finished with soft edges to prevent fraying and minimises the risk of the bandage cutting into the skin. The bandage provides a secure fixation even for awkward contours and there is no restriction to functional movement or blood circulation when applied correctly. This bandage minimises risk of skin maceration, permits air circulation and is light and soft on the skin. It is also highly conformable, durable and extensible.
- 7.5cm x 4m
- 10cm x 4m
- 15cm x 4m
The Easifix Conforming Bandage is used to provide excellent conformability and secure fixation of wound dressings.
• Remove the Easifix Conforming Bandage from the packaging
• Hold the bandage so that the start of the roll is facing up
• Start rolling the loose end of the bandage on the affected area
• Hold the loose end of the bandage in place with one hand
• With the other hand, wrap the bandage in a circle twice around the affected area
• Always wrap the bandage from outside to inside
• Continue to wrap the bandage in a spiral pattern, like a figure 8
• Overlap the elastic bandage by ½ of its width each time you go around the affected area
• Fasten the end to the rest of the bandage, if needed. Do not use metal clips where your skin folds or creases, such as behind your knee