BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage – 8cm x 3m


The BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage is a strong support cohesive bandage used for the compression and support of muscles and joints…


The BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage is a strong support cohesive bandage used for the compression and support of muscles and joints. It is a combination of cotton, viscose and elastic yarns coated with a cohesive emulsion, which allows it to adhere only to itself and not to patient’s skin. It is quick and easy to apply and has limited stretch properties, allowing strong controlled support.

The BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage offers lightweight tearable compression and superior cohesive properties that won’t adhere to the skin. Offers controlled compression, and is hand tearable, making it easy and quick to apply. This popular tape is also washable making it reusable, offering great flexibility in cohesive taping.

Size: 8cm x 3m.


The BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage is ideally suited for physiotherapy ands sports use.
In sport, the BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage is unique,  in that it sticks to itself, but not to the skin or hairs. 
The BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage is stretchy, and that offers the physiotherapist the opportunity to choose different levels of compression when taping an ankle or other sports injury.
The BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage is often used, particularly in football, instead of zinc oxide tape or elastic adhesive bandages.
The fact that it stretches, yet when applied maintains a constant level of compression, means that it doesn’t loosen after application, and the flexibility of adding layers of tape to add support is very useful when taping a sprained ankle, for example.
The fact that the BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage can be torn by hand, and is re-useable make it an essential component of a sports first aid kit.


Remove the BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage from the packaging.

Find where the BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage begins, and wrap the bandage around the affected area.

Cut the BSN Tensoplus Strong Cohesive Bandage with a scissors, hand tear when the area has been covered.

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